Q & A
● Does canon make an inkjet copier?
Yes, they are small multifunction units for the home.
● Why buy a Canon copier from other brands?
Canon has come a long way to make the brand the top in its products, it is not the cheapest copier in the market but as they say, “you get what you pay for”. Years ago, Canon came out with the mono-component toner system, basically the ultra-fine toner has its own developer or “carrier” mixed. By this method it eliminates many of the parts used on other copier brands, by just using less parts, the cost per copy is the lowest in the industry. Costing you the customer less money to maintain.
● Why do I get frequent jams in the automatic paper feeder?
Feeder, ADF, original document feeder is a machine by itself, jams are common. Not to mentioned bad originals like crumble paper, originals with staples or holes or glue together. These are scenarios that we can’t blame the feeder, let’s call it operator error. Since we all use the auto feeder and make copies of copies, all that toner and white out on the copies do come off and builds up on the rollers, glass, feed rollers etc. And basically, about every 100,000 scans or less, a feed kit must be replaced. The rubber rollers do wear out and the papers slip, and a jam occurs.